By 1992, Pleasurewood Hills had become a well-established destination for family fun in East Anglia. The park were celebrating their 10th successful season and made a number of changes to the park.

The Haunted Castle was refurbished to become Woody's Kingdom and became home to Woody's Birthday Surprise Show.

The big new addition in 1992 was the Wild Water Falls, otherwise known as the log flume. The ride has had a number of revamps over the years, but still remains a popular favourite to this day. The most significant retheme happened in recent years, with the new look Water Fun Factory opening in 2020.

Plenty of Pleasurewood classics were still in operation during this season, with The Tempest and Star Ride Enterprise among the most popular thrill rides.

This was also the final season in which vehicular access was via the Dip Farm entrance, with the Leisure Way entrance road being constructed one year later in 1993.
Check out this brochure from 1992, to get a better idea of what was on offer during this season: